Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I don't relish lots of my new years resolutions {watch what I eat?? boring...} but I have delved into my learn to organize resolution with gusto! I have been reading tips and tricks to organizing all morning and I thought I'd share a few of my favorite pointers that I penned down with you! Now don't expect all of these to be cited because I just read a ton of articles and these were a few that just kept coming up and standing out. {Nobody sue me please!}

~Store things where you use them. If you don't use something often, store it in the back room.

~Buy a mail basket. I have mail on my table, coffee table, car, and dresser. Why didn't I think of this sooner??!

~Set aside time each day or week to take care of the mail...that way bills don't pile up and your mail basket doesn't overflow!

~Use a cute notebook to plan and make priority to-do lists.
Any excuse to buy a new cute notebook is good by me : )

~One of my favorites:
Eliminate magazine clutter with this helpful tip from Ann Bingley Gallops (www.theorganizedlife.net). Go through magazines as soon as you get them, rip out the articles you want to read, staple them into a folder and tuck the packet into your briefcase. "It's like you've created your own magazine, filled with editorial content only you would choose," Gallops says. "Carry it around with you, read it when you have time and when you're done, throw it away."

I found some organizational authors and bloggers that I particularly loved.
Julie Morgenstern is a professional organizer and when I was going through the organizing section at Barnes and Noble today I noticed she had a few books on the shelf! But even better you don't have to pay to receive her pages of wisdom! She blogs about all thing organizing and you can check it out here.
has link after organization link for you to find exactly what you need to organize every room in your house.
My favorite organizing blogger so far though is Professional Organizer Karli at
Organize with Style. She blogs about organizing everything from emails to wrapping paper. {I love her suggestion on making his and her baskets for the bathroom, bedroom, mail, etc to find out who the clutter culprit is in your house!}.

So if becoming more organized is one of your new years resolutions maybe you will want to check out some of the pros' advice! And please when you find some gem of organizing wisdom share it with me!!! Consider this your support group.

{image via here}

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